Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Why the sign HPL?

A question that every person that i know, curious on my works, is "what does HPL mean?". Well it's simple and hard to tell: H.P.L stands for H.P.Lovecraft's acronim, who gaved me lots of inspirations, but it's not like if i'd like to be him, i'm a huge fan of him of course, but that's not the idea. I wanted to have, first of all, a nice and short readable sign, not my full name, not even only my name alone or my last name or even only my nicknam, wich i really don't have! I wanted to have something unusual, something new, so when i was in 9th grade at school, i made a sign for a "stupid" comic strip about Cthulhu (a Lovecraftian creature made comic and humoristic) so i tried with H.P.L, and in the days, weeks, months and years to come, i didn't see that i had made me an own, different and unusual sign for my paintings. I will never and never going to change my sign, already tried to, but it's hard to get use to it! But that's another story...
H.P.L for me stands for a need to escape from reality to the dream world, one of Lovecraft's main theme, the dream world.

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