Thursday, December 29, 2011

My own style has arrived to a point!

                                               FINALLY! The group of seven!
Since i've got into art, especially into painting, i've always asked my mother if in Canada there was any important artist, and she always talked to me about The Group of Seven, which i already talked about in my blog. They pratically tranformed my way of looking the landscapes, and especially i can see now the clouds and the trees in a different way (which now i brought to another level of painting! check out for coming soon new paintings).
In the Group of Seven i can feel something really different from the classical painters of landscapes, i can see something more than just a painting: they make me feel like the nature has an own personality, the trees and the clouds have a soul, the same as the rocks and every little detail. They represent the "True North strong and free" of the Canadian national anthem, the soul, the spirit of this land, that will never get me or the Canadians bored.

                                           "Spirits of the North" 24x32 oil on canvas sheet 2010
                                               (one of the exercise painting)

                                          "last summer sun on the lake" 24x32 oil on canvas 2011

                                          A.J.Casson "White pine" 1957

                                    Franklin Carmichael,  (i don't know the title yet, sorry)

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